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Connect with Groups & Mature Chat
Mature Kiss is focused on finding connections for all our members. Our dating community is a great place to find mature hookups and long-term relationships. Group settings like chat rooms and social events hosted by members can be a great vehicle for meeting like-minded people, even if they fall short of being soul mates. So take a breath, enjoy the journey, and come away with new mature lovers and friends.

Create Your Own Personal Blog
Ever thought of becoming a blogger and sharing your unique point of view with the world? Mature Kiss members each have the opportunity to create a personal blog. So far more than 500,000 have responded with colorful candid accounts of their views on life, dating & hookups. Reading their blogs really fleshes out who they are and gives you a more complete picture of what they’re all about. Whether you start writing your own blog or enjoy reading the blogs of others, there is an endless supply of interesting posts for everyone to savor.
Mature Dating Tips from the Experts
Mature Kiss makes the most of your time online by gathering together all the best advice and expert dating tips for everyone to learn from. Explore topics such as what makes a great first date, to which ice breakers and conversation starters work every time. Read it all in the Mature Kiss Magazine and take the guesswork out of mature dating. Turn ordinary evenings into nights of passion.